“You can’t cheat the Grind, It knows how much you’ve invested it won’t give you anything you haven’t worked for.”

— Grind Season—

About US

Over a decade ago, Grind Season Clothing was birthed from humble beginnings in eastern North Carolina!! This is a brand that has evolved from struggle, from blood, sweat and a mother’s tears, from an absence of freedom, from hopelessness, from a hunger keep going NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!

Grind Season Clothing is a way of life!! Our aim is to consistently provide you with products that inspire and encourage you to GO HARDER! We are our own competition in this life and we want you to WIN!

We believe passionately in great quality and excellent service, which is why we commit ourselves to giving you the best of both. Delivering the best products at the most affordable prices and shipping them to you regardless of where you are located is what we strive for. Lastly, but most importantly, we believe in our message!!

Grind for everything you want as you ONLY get out what you put in. The results will be amazing and endless!!



I am Latoya Edwards best known as Cookie and the owner of Grind Season Clothing. Born and raised in eastern North Carolina, my grind started early. From picking cucumbers and cropping tobacco to selling cakes and sodas, grinding came natural to me! With high expectations and the responsibility of being the oldest of 3, my mother taught me early about the importance of hard work. I was hungry for success!

A hunger for more can influence your decision making positively or negatively. After a couple poor choices, I found myself in federal prison for 5 years. It changed my life as I realized my worth and how talented I was.

Always aware of my potential, my mother suggested I start a clothing line. She is the reason I began Grind Season in 2017 following unfortunate news of her brain stroke in 2016.

She became my angel in 2021 and everything I do is to know her. SHE is MY reason why the GRIND CONTINUES.